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28. heinäkuuta 2024

Surrey Open 2024

International Rules

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New players will be added to your members section.

Alkaa 28.7.2024 klo 11.00 (paikallista aikaa)
Ilmoittauduttava viimeistään 26.7.2024 klo 18.00 (paikallista aikaa)
Järjestäjä SCPA
Yhteystiedot John Robinson (john.wrobinson@hotmail.co.uk)
Formaatti Tuplaeliminaatio + cup (32 Osallistujat)
Voittomäärä 4
Tasoitus Ei tasoituksia
Surrey County Pool Association welcomes you to play in the Surrey Open 2024!

This event will have a prize pool of £1280 (subject to entries)

Limited to 64 runners, £20 entry
Played to international rules
Double Elimination, cut to top 16
Starting race to 4, losers bracket race to 3
Live stream in operation

Payouts (all subject to entries):
Winner: £600
Runner up: £300
Semi Final Losers: £150
Best woman: £80

Please contact John Robinson to be added to the draw - entry secured with advance payment only. No entry on the day, draw to be done the Friday before

Payment details:
Name: Surrey County Pool
Acc: 02423425
Sort: 30-99-80


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