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2. ožujka 2025.

Surrey Legends 2025

International Rules

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New players will be added to your members section.

Počinje 2. ožu 2025. 10:00 (Lokalno vrijeme)
Entry open from 3. velj 2025. 20:14 (Lokalno vrijeme)
Rok za prijavu 1. ožu 2025. 11:30 (Lokalno vrijeme)
Organizator SCPA
Kontakt John Robinson (john.wrobinson@hotmail.co.uk)
Format Double to Single elimination (2 Natjectelji)
Do 5
Hendikep Bez hendikepa
Više informacija
Surrey Legends 2025, our biennial competition to commemorate Bob Taylor, Stan Robinson, and Jim Miles.

£15 entry - £10 to the prize fund, £5 to charity.

The charity will be either Leukemia UK (Bob Taylor) or Help for Heroes (Stan Robinson) as chosen by the players and participants of the SCPA community. A vote will be posted in the SCPA Facebook group in due course.

96 entries
Double Elimination, cut to last 32
Race to 5 winners side, race to 3 losers side

Matches are subject to being reffed and timed to keep things moving throughout the day

Payment details:
Name: Surrey County Pool
Reference: Legends
Acc: 02423425
Sort: 30-99-80


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