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7. června 2020

Sportsman Champions League - Group A

Přidat týmy
Začátek 7. 6. 2020 14:00 (Místní čas)
Pořadatel Lewis Digital Media
Kontakt Daniel Monahan (ukpooldan@gmail.com)
Formát Liga (4 Registrovaní)
Hraje se na 7
Handicap Bez handicapu
Více informací
4 Man Team Event.

Pick your team, chose a team name (must be team to have played in the Uefa Champions League) and get payment in to secure space.

This comp was very popular last year and a very enjoyable event probably my favourite one of the year.

4 Man Teams, 2 x Groups of 4, 1 Game Against Each Team, 4 Tables.

Top 2 from group proceed to Main Event Semi Final. Bottom 2 from group into Plate Comp Semi Final! First to 7 Frames Wins (not all frames played) 3 points for Win, 1 point for Draw & 0 points for Loss (Total Points, Framescore, Head to Head to decide group)

£40 Per Team! £10 Per Player!

Main Event - Winner £160 RU £80
Plate - Winner £80

Get your team's in early as I'm sure this will be a popular event. Choose wisely 💪

(60 second shot clocks required)

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