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23. maaliskuuta 2025

SEPF - Region 3 - Tour 3

International Rules

Lisää pelaajia

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New players will be added to your members section.

Alkaa 23.3.2025 klo 12.00 (paikallista aikaa)
Rekisteröityminen alkaa 17.3.2025 klo 22.00 (paikallista aikaa)
Ilmoittauduttava viimeistään 23.3.2025 klo 14.00 (paikallista aikaa)
Järjestäjä Scottish Eightball Pool Federation
Yhteystiedot Andy Kelly (andy.kelly1962@yahoo.co.uk, 07901902416)
Formaatti Lohkovaihe (40 Osallistujat)
Voittomäärä 4
Tasoitus Ei tasoituksia
Pukukoodi Relaxed Dress Code
Collared shirt Required
No football colours and no trainers
Entries taken on the day, £10 entry plus £10 affiliation to the Region 3 Tour.
Format is round-robin number of groups and number of players per group dependent on total entries. Group phase matches are race to 4 frames per match. Top two from each group qualify to play in the knockout phase with each match being a race to 5 frames
Ranking points awarded as follows 5 points for attending the event, 1 point per frame won, 2 points per match won


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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