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1 mars 2025

SEPF - Masters (O60s) - Open Singles

Règles Internationales

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Démarrage du tournoi 1 mars 2025, 12:00 (heure local)
Inscription ouverte à partir du 1 mars 2025, 10:00 (heure local)
Date limite d'inscription 1 mars 2025, 02:00 (heure local)
Organisateur Scottish Eightball Pool Federation
Contacter Andy Kelly (
Format Poules (24 Participants)
Premier à 4
Handicap Sans handicap
Code vestimentaire Collared shirt
Dress trousers
No football colours and no trainers
Plus d'infos
Entries taken on the day, £20 entry plus £10 affiliation to the Masters (O60s) tour.
Format is round-robin of 4 groups,number of players per group dependent on total entries. Group phase matches are race to 4 frames per match. Top two from each group qualify to play in the knockout phase with each match being a race to 5 frames
Ranking points awarded as follows 5 points for attending the event, 1 point per frame won, 2 points per match won.

Déroulement du tournoi

BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Le tirage n'a pas encore eu lieu.


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