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29. července - 31. července 2022

Rik's Memorial Pool Tournament


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Začátek 29. 7. 2022 18:00 Do 31. 7. 2022 (Místní čas)
Uzávěrka přihlášek 29. 7. 2022 0:00 (Místní čas)
Pořadatel JR Billiards Productions
Kontakt Junior Philips
Formát Double KO (2 Registrovaní)
Hraje se na 2
Handicap Bez handicapu
Více informací
This tournament will be held for the 2nd time and is a Memorial for Rik Geurds.

Rik Geurds was a Pool player, Board member of the St. Maarten Billiards Association, Co-founder of the St. Maarten National Billiards Federation (SMNBF), Board member of the SMNBF and most of all a continuous improver of St. Maarten Pool.

All games will be held at the "8/9 Pool Bar" aka "Rik's", aka "De Snor".

Entrance Fee $60,-.

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