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29 de junho de 2025

Ray Stuart GrandMasters Tour 3 2025


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Início 29 de jun. de 2025, 11:00 (Horário Local)
Organizador Corner Pocket
Contato Jenny Lawson ( e Charles Bradburn (
Formato Double to Single elimination (16 Participantes)
Quem ganhar 6
Handicap Sem handicap
Trajes Dress Trousers
Black shoes/Trainers
Collared Top
Mais informações
Players must be 60 or over on the day of the comp.
DE winners 6 losers 4 to last 4. 2 winners meet 2 losers to play Semi final straight knockout.

This event is being held at Corner Pocket
24-26 Buccleuch Street Dalkeith EH221HA

Parking available at the indoor bowling club EH22 1JD
Or the council buildings EH22 1DM


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