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14. mai 2023

Predator New Zealand Junior 10 Ball Tour - Under 19 South Auckland Open

Good luck! Remember play starts at 10:00am so arrive early (doors open around 9:30am. Also, don't forget the dress code. Look good, play better!
Good luck! Remember play starts at 10:00am so arrive early (doors open around 9:30am. Also, don't forget the dress code. Look good, play better!

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#NavnMatcher (vunnet/tapt)Partier (vunnet/tapt)Vinnprosent Poeng
1 New Zealand Jeremy Ho
5 (5/0) 29 (22/7)
2 New Zealand Henry Nguyen
5 (3/2) 29 (17/12)
3 China Jonathan Fu
4 (1/3) 23 (7/16)
3 Russia Ilia Osipov
4 (0/4) 23 (6/17)
Starter 14. mai 2023, 10:00 Til 14. mai 2023 (lokal tid)
Påmeldingsfrist 12. mai 2023, 12:00 (lokal tid)
Arrangør New Zealand Pool Association
Spilleformat Puljespill (4 Deltakere)
Først til 5
Handicap Uten handicap
Kleskode A clean, neat, and tidy standard of dress is required for this event. Long pants or dress pants are required (not track pants). A competition pool shirt, collared shirt, or polo must be worn. Dress shoes or clean, one coloured sneakers may be worn. No caps or hoodies are to be worn during play.
**UNDER 19 ENTRY LINK ONLY - U21 and U17 see other post for entry link**

Welcome to the third tour event of the 2023 Predator New Zealand Junior 10 Ball Tour, the South Auckland Open! Our junior players will be competing for ranking points that will be used to select the team to compete in the WPA Predator World Junior 10 Ball Championships in October 2023 in Austria!

The tour follows the same age groupings as the World Championships in that we have under 17 and under 19 age divisions. However, we have mixed age divisions in terms of gender, rather than having separate divisions for boys and girls. We have also included an under 21 division to cater for those juniors moving from junior to senior play (there is no WPA competition for this age group).

The South Auckland Open leg of the tour will take place on Sunday May 14 at Massé Pukekohe and play will start at 10:00am. Entries will be accepted via Cue Score and will close on Friday May 12 at noon. To help remove financial barriers to participation and to help grow the sport at the junior level, the Board of the New Zealand Pool Association has decided that all junior tournaments will be free to enter. Annual membership dues will not be required to have been paid for this tournament as our online system is still being developed. The annual NZPA membership for juniors will be $10 for 2023.

Powered by Predator, the South Auckland Open leg of the 2023 Predator New Zealand Junior 10 Ball Tour will be played on Predator Apex 9-foot pool tables covered in Predator Arcadia Reserve professional pool table cloth. Predator Arcos II billiard balls will be used along with the Predator Aerorack billiard triangle. The Predator Arena Billiard Light will also be used on the TV table. The latter stages of the event will be streamed, and we will provide a link to the stream later in the week. In essence, we are attempting to replicate the equipment and conditions our juniors will play in when they compete at the World Championships.

This event is open to all juniors, and while some will be aiming to gain a spot to represent New Zealand, we strongly encourage all juniors of all levels to enter, even those giving the sport a go for the first time. Cue sports is a game for life and there’s no better time to start than now!

Puljespill plasseringer

Pulje A Ranking method
Plass Navn Spilt Vunnet Uavgj. Tapt pv pt ps Uts Lag Bonus Snitt Poeng
1 Jeremy Ho 3 3 0 0 12 4 8 0 0 0 0.75 3
2 Henry Nguyen 3 2 0 1 10 7 3 0 0 0 0.588 2
3 Jonathan Fu 3 1 0 2 7 11 -4 0 0 0 0.389 1
4 Ilia Osipov 3 0 0 3 5 12 -7 0 0 0 0.294 0


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Runde 1

Først til 4
New Zealand
Henry Nguyen
Jonathan Fu
Sun 10:00  Bord 4
Ilia Osipov
New Zealand
Jeremy Ho
Sun 10:00  Bord 5

Runde 2

Først til 4
New Zealand
Henry Nguyen
New Zealand
Jeremy Ho
Sun 10:00  Bord 4
Jonathan Fu
Ilia Osipov
Sun 10:00  Bord 5

Runde 3

Først til 4
New Zealand
Henry Nguyen
Ilia Osipov
Sun 12:03  Bord 4
New Zealand
Jeremy Ho
Jonathan Fu
  Bord 5


Først til 5
New Zealand
Jeremy Ho
Ilia Osipov
Sun 12:56  Bord 1
Jonathan Fu
New Zealand
Henry Nguyen
Sun 12:41  Bord 3


Først til 5
New Zealand
Jeremy Ho
New Zealand
Henry Nguyen
Sun 14:20  Bord 1


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