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22. März - 23. März 2025

NZSL Ladies Superleague North Islands

International Rules

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Beginnt 22.03.2025, 08:00 Bis 23.03.2025 (Lokale Zeit)
Entry open from 18.01.2025, 08:00 (Lokale Zeit)
Meldeschluss 16.03.2025, 22:00 (Lokale Zeit)
Veranstalter New Zealand 8 Ball Superleague
Kontakt Simon Singleton (Sisingy@hotmail.co.uk)
Ranglisten Ladies National Superleague Rankings und Ladies North Island Superleague Rankings
Format Gruppenphase (17 Teilnehmer)
Satz bis 4
Handicap Ohne Handicap
Mehr Informationen
8Ball Superleague NZ - Ladies North Islands
22nd - 23rd March 2025, Papatoetoe Club
Auckland, New Zealand

International Rules Ranking Event
Day 1 - Section Play
Day 2 - Double elimination down to final 8 players
Straight knock-out from Quarter finals

$100 Entry Fee. Payable via internet banking.
8 Ball Superleague - 06-0821-0967120-00. Ref Name and NI (North islands)
Payment must be received to confirm your entry.

All players must be Superleague members.
Membership for 2025 is $20
Click on https://tinyurl.com/5y2ekvrh to set up your membership.


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