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29. ožujka. - 30. ožujka 2025.

NZSL Juniors NZ Superleague South Islands

International Rules

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Počinje 29. ožu 2025. 08:00 Do 30. ožu 2025. (Lokalno vrijeme)
Entry open from 19. sij 2025. 08:00 (Lokalno vrijeme)
Rok za prijavu 23. ožu 2025. 22:00 (Lokalno vrijeme)
Organizator New Zealand 8 Ball Superleague
Kontakt Simon Singleton (Sisingy@hotmail.co.uk)
Rang liste Juniors South Island Superleague Rankings i Juniors National Superleague Rankings
Format Razigravanje (7 Natjectelji)
Do 4
Hendikep Bez hendikepa
Više informacija
8Ball Superleague NZ - Juniors South Islands
29th - 30th March 2025, Cashmere Club
Christchurch, New Zealand

Players must be 17 or under on the 1st Jan 2025.

International Rules Ranking Event
Day 1 - Section Play
Day 2 - Double elimination down to final 8 players
Straight knock-out from Quarter finals

$20 Entry Fee. Payable via internet banking.
8 Ball Superleague - 06-0821-0967120-00. Ref Name and SI (South islands)
Payment must be received to confirm your entry.

All players must be Superleague members.
Junior Membership for 2025 is FREE
Click on https://tinyurl.com/5y2ekvrh to set up your membership.


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