Start | 20. maj 2024, 21.18 Indtil 31. dec. 2024 (lokal tid) |
Tilmeldingsfrist | 20. maj 2024, 00.00 (lokal tid) |
Arrangør | Nottingham Pool Promotions |
Kontakt | Matthew Coates ( |
Format | Single Knock Out Kvalifikation (65 Deltagere) |
Race to | 4 |
Handicap | Ingen handicap |
Mere info | |
Adam Blore (Spot On Bulwell 07506717339)
Adam Heard (Willow Tree Forest 07891686269) Adam Hussein (Spot On Sheriff 07572233223 Ade Walker (Liberal Democrats 07827970423) Ady Newman (Spot On Valley 07986435660) Aiden Hewes (Spot On Bulwell 07772547032) Alan Elliott (Oakleigh Lodge 07809549646) Alex Williams (Ruddington SC NO NUMBER) Alison Hallford (Willow Tree Forest 07779190427) Allen Shaw (Bestwood SC 07885570853) Andrew Baskill (Apply Liberally 07966136734) Andrew French (Basford Hall Sherwood 07898826013) Andrew Smalley (Wilford Vale 07877331926) Andrew Taylor (Hubble Bar 07932986682) Andy Davies (Basford Hall MW 07753250878) Andy Hind (Spot On Arrow 07921669305) Andy Raynor (Spot On Bulwell 07377529659) Andy Saxton (March Hare 07944080352) Andy Wilson (Victory Storm 07912172712) Ant Fennell (Basford Hall MW 07962342032) Anthony Spooner (Spot On Magpies 07752066001) Ashley Dobb (Spot On Hucknall 07598708830) Audie Miller (Bestwood SC 07940527991) Ben Kosneiski (Willow Tree 07588690144) Blake Siddons (Victory Seems Impossible 07763675539) Brian Robinson (Basford Hall Sherwood 07804507061) C Miles (Crown 07817414809) Callum Hodgman (Spot On Hucknall 07903037941) Cameron Bickerstaff (Basford Hall Reds 07722609385) Cameron Carrington (Riley's 'B' 07742100327) Charnce Froome (On The Spot 07969677318) Chris Chadwick (Spot Of Bother 07767767105) Chris Needham (Oakleigh Lodge 07947419550) Chris Pearson (Willow Tree Forest 07979365820) Chris Rigby (Oakleigh Lodge 07872946767) Ciaran Smith (Hucknall Hustlers 07808083769) Clyde Doyle (Vale Club 07523382915) Colin French (Basford Hall Sherwood 07412215415) Conner Perkins (Ginge's Boys 07963593570) Connor Storer-Fry (Nothing Is Spot On 07436876665) Connor Tideswell (Streller SC 07807398662) Corey Blackshaw (Spot On Arrow 07496134234) Craig Stonley (Spot On Arrow 07737052272) Curtis Bradley (Spot On Arrow 07714504430) Curtis Freeman (Basford Hall MW 07516704771) D. Watson (Basford Hall MW 07565892671) D. Mitchell (Turner's Nomads 07775788076) D Agar-Brennan (Riley's 'A' 07983725386) D Mandalia (Riley's 'A' 07429962354) D Smith (Whitemoor 077113820133) Dagen Underwood (Spot On Bulwell 07469238058) Dan Underwood (Spot On Magpies 07927240832) Daniel Bush (Victory Club 07864259520) Daniel Wood (Vale Magpies 07778065931) Danny Hind (Gladstone Warriors 07824437591) Darren Golding (Spot Of Bother 07967638616) Darren Pike (Basford Hall Underdogs 07507994064) Darren Tideswell (Strelley SC 07827928444) Dave Ellis (Ginge's Boys 07812343533) Dave Gilbert (Gladstone Warriors 07854472801) Dave Griffiths (Ruddington SC 07912691119) Dave Hathway (The Engineers 07807006389) David Allwood (Headstocks 'B' 07976975472) David Casey (On The Spot 07983999571) David Feeney (Oakie Cokie 07931862452) David Harrison (Vale Boys 07941714359) David Lee (Victory Seems Impossible 07592645263) David Oxtoby (Victory Storm 07947752166) Dean Ellis (Vale Boys 07703062041) Dean Marriott (March Of The Builders 07918933874) Dean North (Ginge's Army 07788408648) Dennis Dyer (Ruddington SC 07864542296) Derek Underwood (Spot On Bulwell 07470368224) Dillon Sharpe (Red Dogs @ Top Spot 07393853501) Dion Nangle (Vale Boys 07581255273) Dominic Camara (Bestwood SC 07492091393) Freddy Mulheron (The Engineers 07445582973) G Lowe (Whitemoor 07831529662) Gareth Stout (Spot On Bulwell 0760529161) Garfield Green (Spot On Reds 07597625438 TEXT ONLY) Gary Court (Ruddington SC 07794376272) Gary Croll (Ginge's Army 07938766206) Gary Hall (Limekillers 07458906073) Gary Newton (Spot On Hucknall 07921139256) Gary Spencer (Sherwood Manor 07482038201) Gary Stout (Basford Hall MW 07860529161) Graham Turnbull (Spot On Hucknall 07540885295) Greg Mason (Spot Of Bother 07966625875) Ian Owen (Spot On Hucknall 07746884925) Ian Whitehead (Oakie Cokie 07976646088) Ian Craggs (Basford Hall Valley 07872932203) J. Moss (Basford Hall MW 07724605270) Jack Hardy (Royal Children 07395140447) Jack Kerr (Sofa King Good 07952143206) Jack Stanko (Spot On Magpies 07717602144) Jack Storrie (Sherwood Manor 07385456809) Jake Clements (Basford Hall Reds 07359525207) James Carson (Spot On Hucknall "B" 07958525470) James Melfi (Vale Boys 07969967031) James Meyer (Spot On Misfits 07925984866) James Robson (Hucknall Hustlers 07702043219) James Turner (Liberal Democrats 07921215243) Jamie Morpeth (Riley's Aces 07909117366) Jamie Parker (Headstock Reds 07914962421) Jason Morphus (Nothing Is Spot On 07532175621) Jason Tinsley (Basford Hall Valley 07799542658) Jason Ward (Willow Tree 07749160976) Jay Wilding (Wilford Vale 07593028315) Jay Noakes (Robin Hood Lambley 07944432115) Jay Smith (On The Spot 07368598323) Jimmy Hallam (Victory Storm 07722556672) Joe Cammack (Willow Tree 07546954430) Joe Crespo (Basford Hall MW 07947539063) Joe Reynolds (On The Spot 07871078433) John McMahon (Basford Hall MW 07793822657) John Underwood (Spot On Magpies 07711248969) John Underwood Jnr (Spot On Magpies 07467405079) Jordan Moorby (Wolds 07557534889) Jose Camara (Oakleigh Lodge 07702300980) Josef Underwood-Archer (Spot On Bulwell 07746138239) Joshua Newman (Spot On Reds 07809115245) Julian Howard (On The Spot 07903369974) Karl Coxon (Ruddington SC 07933574017) Kat Landa (Spot On Sheriff 07803546252) Keith Simm (Truman's Army 07739263837) Ken Cast (Mad Rabbit 07875071087) Kev Jones (Royal Children 07849151503) Kieran Miles (Crown 07767696787) Kris Keeling (Hubble Bar 07379494476) Kris Wade (Basford Hall Reds 07305065258) Kyle Cameron (Nothing Is Spot On 07772919671) Kye Wade (Basford Hall Reds 07733350664) Lacky Singh (Spot On Sheriff 07873711999) Lee Howitt (Spot On Valley 07714765086) Lee Pickard (Spot On Valley 07453797172) Lee Rust (Willow Tree 07855518565) Lee Shaw (Bestwood SC 07701057663) Lee Skinner (Liberal Democrats 07795835644) Lee Smith (Hucknall Hustlers 07789798796) Leon Hill (Spot On Arrow 07368630527) Lewis Smith (Victory Seems Impossible 07542336773) Liam Elliott (Oakleigh Lodge 07772714739) Liam Underwood (Spot On Bulwell 07860275826) Lorne Winter (Spot On Magpies 07706149843) Loz Newton (Apply Liberally 07456798470) Luke Drury (Liberal Democrats 07782126078) Luke McNulty (Riley's 'A' 0784500873) Luke Redfern (Strelley Boys 07584564421) Luke Towlson (Vale Rebels 07941352595) Luke Wharton (Spot On Sheriff 07717522810) Loz Sanderson (Willow Tree 07702463746) M Hickey (Turner's Nomads 07710192963) M Samuels (Turner's Nomads 07735375969) Malc Marriott (Spot On Reds 07427128696) Malc Reilly (Truman's Army 07932485156) Marc Cobb (Vale Magpies 07505205672) Mark Gold-Jones (Robin Hood Lambley 07981128169) Mark Hathway (The Engineers 07988832001) Martin Harper (Spot On Hucknall 0775750618) Martin Lovett (Basford Hall MW 07841109510) Matt McDonald (On The Spot 07711141121) Matt Vann (Sherwood Manor 07922328228) Matt White (Basford Hall MW 07473188828) Matt Wilcox (Vikings @ Bonnington 07359145025) Meera Arya (Crown 07547927728) Michael Baguley (Hubble Bar 07427613806) Michael Bull (Ginge's Army 07493123200) Michael Davies (The Wolds 07825909786) Michael Singh (Spot On Sheriff 07881438438) Michael Tomkins (The Clock 07932004575) Mick Garratt (Spot On Reds 07399672259) Mick Hewes (Bulwell Spot On 07986343761) Mike Askew (Vikinfs @ Bonnington 07305974957) Mike Vernon (Riley's A 07807159816) Murray Croll (Ginge's Boys 07572617519 N Miles (Crown 07748345346) Neil Lynch (The Wolds 07766457280) Niall Gordon (Riley's 07816329498) Nic Weston (Vale Magpies 07512414293) Nick Lester (Ginge's Boys 07951063846) Nick Wyer (Spot On Magpies 07922412372) Nirm Singh (Spot On Sheriff 07539064670) Neil McPherson (Sherwood Manor 07841667184) Olly Brooks (Spot On Reds 07851123953) Owen Blundell (Ruddington SC 07510841612) Pat Kelley (Spot On Valley 07973186184) Paul Allen (Ruddington SC 07951038268) Paul Flowers (Headstock Reds 07934810812) Paul Hardiman (The Engineers 07957103445) Paul Harplam (The Engineers 07920865170) Paul Wainwright (Limekillers 07847777579) Paul Walker (Vale Magpies 07795575477) Paul Yates (Spot On Magpies 07883368208) Pete Bradley (Gladstone Warriors 07595120802) Pete Siddons (Victory Seems Impossible 07948707576) Phil Buck (Riley's 'B' 07521813641) Phil Karagounis (Truman's Army 07988377846) Phil Marriott (Spot On Valley 07984687720) Phil Mayor (Crown 07885736752) Ranbir Singh (Spot On Sheriff 07432320506) Raymond Oldham (Spot On Bulwell 07792022823) Rhys Coleman (Willow Tree Forest 07950182328) Rich Buckenham (Mad Rabbit 07931791312) Rich Jarman-Harris (Wolds 07954585738) Richard Deakin (Bestwood SC 07725053359) Ricky Barker (Spot On Hucknall 07810153371) Rob Wilson (Royal Children 07795288310) Robert Garratt (Spot On Reds 07731364603) Rob Renshaw (Riley's 'A' 07799531888) Ron Roberts (Mad Rabbit NO NUMBER) Russell Towers (Ruddington SC 07827913574) Ryan Connelly (Victory Club 07858568428) Ryan Dickinson (Vikings @ Bonnington 07984045770) Ryan Norris (Spot On Arrow 07775620811) Sam Burton (Oakleigh Lodge 07487266749) Sam Owen (Sherwood Manor 07830589826) Sam Williams (Willow Tree 0782525415) Samuel Stanfield (Oakleigh Lodge 07723240135) Scott Butler (Red Dogs @ Top Spot 07791046362) Scott Redfern (Victory Club 07952960950) Sean Croft (Ginge's Boys 07931688167) Selina Litchfield (Hucknall Hustlers 07951433709) Sha Parr (Sherwood Manor 07990558015) Shaun Warner (Whitemoor 07788258028) Simon Breedon (Basford Hall Valley 07894039335) Simon Thompson (Oakleigh Lodge 07476170253) Stephen Huggins (Bulwell Spot On 07368610113) Stephen Thorburn (Tricky Trees 07563672856) Steve Clark (Spot On Bulwell 07804772030) Steve Enderby (The Engineers 07734455812) Steve Hotchkiss (Bestwood SC 07599889195) Steve Jones (Basford Hall Valley 07504071773) Steve Singh (Crown NO NUMBER) Steve Woodhead (Robin Hood Lambley 07973404516) Steven Hibbitt (Spot On Magpies 07862232539) Stuart Lowe (Nothing Is Spot On NO NUMBER) Stuart Parker (Willow Tree (07770316500) Stuart Varley (Willow Tree 07914342792) Thomas Mabbott (Riley's 'A' 07944847132) Thomas Hesketh (Vale Magpies 07465291425) Tom Daft (Spot On Hucknall 07487387741) Tommy Wells (Nothing Is Spot On 07984533369) Tim Chambers (Spot On Sheriff 07747831157) Tim Britton (Robin Hood Lambley 07968419438) Tracy Harlow (Victory Ahoy 07378765228) Trevor Anderson (Spot On Reds 07973309344) Trevor Giles (Limekillers 07305983698) Tyron Anderson (Riley's NO NUMBER) Vincent Oleka (Whitemoor 07954707087) Wayne Mayes (Spot On Hucknall 07487244019) Wayne Webster (Vale Rebels 07895555227) Wez Smith (Spot On Magpies 07851370999) William Morgan (Wolds 07951139835) |
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