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23 ноември - 24 ноември 2024

NCBPF Provincial Trials 2024/2025 - Grand Masters

Дисциплина Црна топка

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Започнува 23.11.2024, во 11:00 Додека 24.11.2024 (локално време)
Организатор Northern Cape
Контакт John Mukanga (johnmukanga@gmail.com, 0616348775) и Clarke De koker (clarkedekoker98@gmail.com)
Format Раунд-робин (5 Учесници)
Игра до 3
Хендикеп Без хендикеп
Код на облекување 1. Shirt - Any colour shirt or t-shirt WITH COLLAR. (Any province or Team T-shirt also allowed)
2. Pants - Formal pants of any colour is acceptable. (NO JEANS & NO CHINOS will be allowed)
3. Shoes - Any Formal Dress shoes are acceptable. Tekkies will only be allowed if they are completely black with no other colours on them. (Shoelaces to be black as well for tekkies)
4. Accessories - no caps, hats or any headwear while playing.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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