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26 luglio - 28 luglio 2024

Legends Sports Bar festival of pool 2024


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Partenza 26 lug 2024, 18:00 Fno a 28 lug 2024 (Ora locale)
Chiusura iscrizioni 30 giu 2024, 00:00 (Ora locale)
Organizzato da Legends pool events - Daz McCarthy
Formato Eliminazione diretta (1 Partecipanti)
Match al 8
Handicap Nessun handicap
Maggiori informazioni
Legends Sports Bar festival of pool 2024
played on 20 Tables all weekend

£75 Entry for Both Events
£4800 + £700 added
64 Entries for main event £3100 Races to 7 BB Rules
winner £1500
Ru up £700
Semis £250
QF £100

Friday Fliers £20 Entry

Saturday 10am Rounds 64, 32 and 16 on 20 Tables

Saturday From 8pm to 12-1am Played to Quarter Finals
3 Man Team Event sponsored by Legends sports Bar
Best of 9 Frames
£2400 Prize Money
Winners £1200
Ru UP £750
Semis £225

Sunday 10am TEAM EVENT 12 frames 2 tables, if 6-6, 1 frame shootout capts choice
Semi finals then final team event (15 Frames)

Sunday Fliers Downstairs on 8 Tables from 10am £20 Entry 32 players

2pm QF main event played to a finish
Races to 8s

Presentation 8pm


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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