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1 de maio de - 29 de março de 2026

Kilmarnock Singles League Premier 1 2025/26


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Início 1 de mai. de 2025, 10:00 Até 29 de mar. de 2026 (Horário Local)
Organizador Ayrshire Pool Events
Contato Brian Garrick ( e Jamie Smith (
Formato Liga (12 Participantes)
Quem ganhar 5
Handicap Sem handicap
Mais informações
Deadlines for each match have been set below for each round.

Prize money:
1st £250
2nd £190
3rd £145
4th £120
5th £105
6th £90

Top 3 Players to be promoted to Super Premier at the end of the season
Bottom 3 players to be relegated to Premier 2 at the end of the season.
Any withdrawals from the league face a ban for the following season.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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