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20 listopada - 23 listopada 2019

JOY Chinese Pool European Tour Germany Open


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Rozpoczęcie 20 lis 2019, 10:00 Do 23 lis 2019 (czas lokalny)
Zapisy do 23 lis 2019, 20:00 (czas lokalny)
Organizator ICEA Germany
Kontakt Nils Johanning (nils@icea-germany.com)
Format Drabinka podwójnej przegranej (2KO) (7 Uczestnicy)
Mecz do 7
Handicap Bez handicapu
Ubiór Waitcoast
Black trousers
Dark shoes
Plain colored shirt
Bow tie
Więcej informacji
The winner of the tournament will receive a prize money of 5.000 Euro as well as a trip including flight, 5 star hotel and catering to the final round of the last 32 players of the Joy Chinese World Pool Series, the biggest billiard tournament series in China, where the winner can win about 150.000 Euro.

The Event will take place at Weserpark Bremen.

Side events and daily action at www.billardfreunde-bremen.de

Matches will be streamed online via www.facebook.com/reelive

All details @ www.facebook.com/ICEA-Joy-Chinese-Pool-Germany-2265491167059253

Payments can be done here or direct via paypal or wired transfer.
Paypal: info@icea-germany.com (send mnoney to friends!)
Wired: DE78200100200009230207

Wednesday 20 November to Saturday 23 November 2019

Tournament mode:
128 participants, double KO, last 32 KO system.
Draw: 19. November 21 o'clock
Wednesday 20. November 10:00 - 21:00 o'clock
Thursday 21. November 10:00 - 21:00 o'clock
Friday 22. November 10:00 - 21:00 o'clock
Saturday 23. November 10:00 - 20:00 o'clock

Accreditation 30 minutes before the start of each game
Weserpark Hans-Bredow-Straße 19, 28307 Bremen.

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