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3. augusta - 4. augusta 2024

Isle of Man Pairs Championship

Pridať tímy
Začiatok 3. 8. 2024, 12:00 Do 4. 8. 2024 (Miestny čas)
Uzávierka prihl. 1. 8. 2024, 20:00 (Miestny čas)
Usporiadateľ Isle of Man 8ball
Kontakt Pete Crellin (pete.crellin@manx.net)
Formát Skupina (12 Účastníci)
Handicap Bez nasadenia poradia
Viac informácií
The 1st ever all Island Pairs Championship. The format will be round robin groups, the size of the groups will be determined by the number of entries. £20 per pair, payouts will be decided once all entries are in. The plan is also to run a plate event after the league stages have been completed.

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