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28 mars - 31 mars 2024

Interpool Open 2024 - Reserve list

Jeu de la 9

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Démarrage du tournoi 28 mars 2024, 15:00 à 31 mars 2024 (heure local)
Date limite d'inscription 26 mars 2024, 21:00 (heure local)
Organisateur Uppsala Biljardsällskap
Contacter Tommi Lamminaho , Marcus Chamat ( et Björn Schütz (, +46732311174)
Format De Double K.O à élimination directe (1 Participants)
Premier à 11
Handicap Avec handicap
Code vestimentaire DRESS CODE C:
Mr: The top must be a collared shirt or piké, in any color, which remains
tucked into the waist. The garment should be completely clean and have some kind of sleeve. As
skirt is worn whole and clean suit pants in any color. The choice of shoes should fall into the category
fine shoes and fit into the other upholstery. A sports shoe with darker upper in leather or
Leather-like material is approved if the competition leader approves it.
Ladies: As a top, a shirt, stylish top, blouse, pique or dress is allowed. Like a skirt
Wear full and clean suit pants in any color. Skirts are allowed on the condition of knees or more
covered. The choice of shoes should fall into the category of fine shoes and fit into the other clothing
sports shoes with darker upper in leather or leather-like material are approved if not
the contest leader comes up with objections.
Plus d'infos
Reserve list for Interpool Open 2024.

Déroulement du tournoi

BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Le tirage n'a pas encore eu lieu.


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