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18. siječnja. - 19. siječnja 2025.

Inter Island Team Event

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#ImeMečevi (pobjede/porazi)Slaganja (pobjede/porazi)Postotak pobjeda
1 Isle of Man 3 Men and an Addinall
4 (4/0) 47 (35/12)
2 Isle of Man The Buchaneers
4 (3/1) 44 (32/12)
3 Northern Ireland Big Smokes 3.2
3 (2/1) 29 (15/14)
3 Isle of Man Small Swords
3 (1/2) 28 (10/18)
5 Isle of Man The Back Bars
2 (1/1) 19 (13/6)
5 Isle of Man 6 balls, 1 rack.
2 (1/1) 19 (9/10)
7 Isle of Man THE SIDINGS
2 (0/2) 20 (3/17)
7 Isle of Man Rosemount Hustlers
2 (0/2) 19 (2/17)
7 United Kingdom Barbarians
2 (0/2) 19 (3/16)
Počinje 18. sij 2025. 12:00 Do 19. sij 2025. (Lokalno vrijeme)
Entry open from 26. pro 2024. 00:00 (Lokalno vrijeme)
Rok za prijavu 16. sij 2025. 20:00 (Lokalno vrijeme)
Organizator Isle of Man 8ball
Kontakt Pete Crellin (pete.crellin@manx.net)
Format Razigravanje (9 Natjectelji)
Do 8
Hendikep Bez hendikepa
Više informacija
We are happy to announce the return of the Inter District Team Event.

It will be played over the 18th & 19th January 2025 at the Douglas Snooker Bar and the rules are as follows: (please note there are a couple of changes from last year)

- 4 person teams with a cost of £10 per player. You can register as many as you want but only 4 can play per game.

- Your team must comprise of players from your district, so if you play in Western League you must play with players from the Western League. If you play in multiple leagues then you must chose a league to represent. We will be checking your registration before we accept your entry

- Your team can be all Male, all Female or Mixed, you must play in the same district though

The group format is:

4 Groups - Top 2 go through to the Main Event Knockout Stage, the rest will go through to the plate event.

All Group Matches will be played on 1 table and last 80 minutes with a minute shot clock in operation. As DSB has 3 tables, the table not in use will be used but it will be rotated between each match in the session

The maximum number of frames played per match will be 10. (8 singles and 2 scotch doubles) If the time runs out before all 10 frames are played then the score at the end of 80 minutes will be taken. A win gets you 3 points and a loss, nothing. If the score is tied then both teams will get 1 point and there will be a blackball shootout for an extra point.

The groups will be played to a finish in each session and as mentioned the matches will all be timed.

The tournament director will meet with all team captains before the start of the each session to run through the rules so don't worry.

Plate Event will be best of 10 frames (1st to 6 - BB shootout at 5 all)

Main Event will be best of 14 frames (1st to 8 - BB shootout at 7 all)

Any questions please ask

Entries to Pete by the 16th January (8pm)

Razigravanje poredak

Grupa A Ranking method
Poz Ime Odigrano Pobjeda Nerješeno Poraz ws ls sd Iz štapa Bližanja Bonus pro Pts
1 Big Smokes 3.2 2 2 0 0 12 6 6 0 0 0 0.667 18
2 The Back Bars 2 1 0 1 13 6 7 0 0 0 0.684 16
3 Barbarians 2 0 0 2 3 16 -13 0 0 0 0.158 3
Grupa B Ranking method
Poz Ime Odigrano Pobjeda Nerješeno Poraz ws ls sd Iz štapa Bližanja Bonus pro Pts
1 The Buchaneers 2 2 0 0 18 2 16 0 0 0 0.9 24
2 6 balls, 1 rack. 2 1 0 1 9 10 -1 0 0 0 0.474 12
3 Rosemount Hustlers 2 0 0 2 2 17 -15 0 0 0 0.105 2
Grupa C Ranking method
Poz Ime Odigrano Pobjeda Nerješeno Poraz ws ls sd Iz štapa Bližanja Bonus pro Pts
1 3 Men and an Addinall 2 2 0 0 17 3 14 0 0 0 0.85 23
2 Small Swords 2 1 0 1 10 10 0 0 0 0 0.5 13
3 THE SIDINGS 2 0 0 2 3 17 -14 0 0 0 0.15 3
Najkorisniji igrač


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!
U tijeku

Runda 1

Do 0
Isle of Man
The Back Bars
United Kingdom
sub 13:34  Stol 2
Isle of Man
6 balls, 1 rack.
Isle of Man
Rosemount Hustlers
sub 14:50  Stol 1
Isle of Man
Isle of Man
Small Swords
sub 17:55  Stol 3

Runda 2

Do 0
United Kingdom
Northern Ireland
Big Smokes 3.2
sub 16:27  Stol 1
Isle of Man
Rosemount Hustlers
Isle of Man
The Buchaneers
sub 16:27  Stol 2
Isle of Man
Small Swords
Isle of Man
3 Men and an Addinall
sub 19:29  Stol 3

Runda 3

Do 0
Northern Ireland
Big Smokes 3.2
Isle of Man
The Back Bars
sub 14:51  Stol 2
Isle of Man
The Buchaneers
Isle of Man
6 balls, 1 rack.
sub 17:57  Stol 1
Isle of Man
3 Men and an Addinall
Isle of Man
sub 20:52  Stol 3


Do 8
Isle of Man
The Buchaneers
Isle of Man
Small Swords
ned 17:07  Stol 1
Northern Ireland
Big Smokes 3.2
Isle of Man
3 Men and an Addinall
ned 18:27  Stol 1


Do 10
Isle of Man
The Buchaneers
Isle of Man
3 Men and an Addinall
ned 20:05  Stol 1


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