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24 de julho de - 21 de maio de 2026

Hull Old EPA Premier Division

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Início 24 de jul. de 2025, 20:00 Até 21 de mai. de 2026 (Horário Local)
Entry open from 4 de mar. de 2025, 18:59 (Horário Local)
Prazo de inscrição 26 de jun. de 2025, 17:00 (Horário Local)
Organizador Hull EPA
Formato Liga (0 Participantes)
Quem ganhar 5
Handicap Sem handicap
Mais informações
Hull Old EPA Premier Division takes part on Thursdays and consists of 12 teams.

Matches will be races to 5 but all games must be played. Old EPA rules will be used.

Bottom 2 teams will be relegated to Hull Old EPA Division 1.

Matches consist of 6 singles games followed by 3 Scotch pairs games.


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