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24 juli - 21 maj 2026

Hull Old EPA Knockout League Cup

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Startar 24 juli 2025 20:00 Till 21 maj 2026 (Lokal tid)
Entry open from 4 mars 2025 21:51 (Lokal tid)
Sista anmälan 26 juni 2025 17:00 (Lokal tid)
Organisatör Hull EPA
Format Gruppspel (0 Deltagare)
Distans 5
Handicap Ej handicap
Mer information
Hull Old EPA Knockout League Cup takes place on a Thursday along side the Hull Old EPA Leagues.

The format is 8 groups of 6 who all play each other once. Top 2 from each group will progress to the knockout phase. 3rd and 4th place teams will be entered in the Hull Old EPA Charlie Allan Memorial Shield knockout rounds.

Matches consist of 6 singles and 3 scotch pairs games.

Each match is a race to 5. (All group matches must play all games. Knockout phase matches end when one team reaches 5 game wins)


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