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28 juillet 2017

Haag Cues Summer Classic - GROUP B

Jeu de la 10

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Démarrage du tournoi 28 juil. 2017, 10:00 (heure local)
Date limite d'inscription 28 juil. 2016, 23:59 (heure local)
Contacter Robert Haag (, +46734231523)
Format (0 Participants)
Premier à 5
Handicap Sans handicap
Plus d'infos
Sanctioned by SBF - The Swedish billiards federation.
Date of event: 2017-07-28 - 2017-07-30
Location: Stars Biljard Laxå, Sweden.
Contact: Robert Haag
Phone: +46734231523
Starting fee: 550 SEK. Re-buy; 300 SEK first, 200 SEK
Price fund: 20,000.00 Sek guaranteed at 48+ players**
In addition - the two finalists recieve a spot in the final 32 of the Longoni Benelux Open 2017.
Discipline: 10-ball.
Race to: Qualification rounds: 5 | Final round (Last 16): 7. Alternate break & use of MagicRack.
Format: Qualification round; double elimination or round robin (depending on number of players)

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