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September 29, 2024

Fast 8-ball


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Starts Sep 29, 2024, 11:00 AM (local time)
Entry open from Aug 29, 2024, 11:00 AM (local time)
Entry deadline Sep 29, 2024, 10:00 AM (local time)
Organizer Norrköping Billiards Club
Contact Conny Vinnebrant (, 0702341180)
Format Double to Single elimination (4 Participants)
Race to 7
Handicap With handicap
More info
Fast 8-ball, fyra höga, fyra låga och en åtta. 8-ball regler.
Kostnad 300 kr, cash is king. Jämna pengar. Endast medlemmar
de som inte har extended betalar 350 kr. Hcp görs på plats.


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