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25. októbra - 27. októbra 2024

FA Cup of Pool 2024


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New players will be added to your members section.

Začiatok 25. 10. 2024, 19:00 Do 27. 10. 2024 (Miestny čas)
Vstup možný od 11. 9. 2024, 21:00 (Miestny čas)
Uzávierka prihl. 23. 10. 2024, 20:00 (Miestny čas)
Usporiadateľ Isle of Man 8ball
Kontakt Pete Crellin (pete.crellin@manx.net)
Formát Jednoduché KO (16 Účastníci)
Hrané na ... 9
Handicap Bez nasadenia poradia
Viac informácií
Everyone's favourite handicap event is taking place on the weekend of the 25th October.
Entry fee is £10 and is open to all Isle of Man players. For anyone who has never played the event before all matches are races to 9 and the score starts based on the handicaps of the players. For example if a scratch player plays a 6 handicapper then the match would start 0 6.
Entries are open until the 23rd October.

If you have any questions, please contact Pete Crellin.
As this is a popular event, 2 venues maybe used. This will be announced in due course.

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BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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