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25. oktober - 27. oktober 2024

FA Cup of Pool 2024


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Start 25. okt. 2024 19.00 Indtil 27. okt. 2024 (lokal tid)
Entry open from 11. sep. 2024 21.00 (lokal tid)
Tilmeldingsfrist 23. okt. 2024 20.00 (lokal tid)
Arrangør Isle of Man 8ball
Kontakt Pete Crellin (
Format Single Knock Out (16 Deltagere)
Race to 9
Handicap Ingen handicap
Mere info
Everyone's favourite handicap event is taking place on the weekend of the 25th October.
Entry fee is £10 and is open to all Isle of Man players. For anyone who has never played the event before all matches are races to 9 and the score starts based on the handicaps of the players. For example if a scratch player plays a 6 handicapper then the match would start 0 6.
Entries are open until the 23rd October.

If you have any questions, please contact Pete Crellin.
As this is a popular event, 2 venues maybe used. This will be announced in due course.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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