Начало | 15 апр. 2018 г., 09:00 (Местное время) |
Контакты | Clarence Tew (clarencetew@hotmail.com) и Kok Pin Chi (dysprosphor@gmail.com) |
Формат | До двух поражений (2-1) (16 Участники) |
До | 5 |
Фора | С форой |
Больше информации | |
We'll be using the WPA/BUCS 9-ball playing rules for this tournament, but a few things to note: - Draw will be done on the Wednesday before the event. - Late Penalty: 1 rack will be docked per 5 minutes late for a maximum of 3 racks after 15 minutes. - Alternate breaks instead of winner breaks - 3 point rule will be used for breaks - Otherwise please refer to http://wpapool.com/rule-regulations/ Handicap Rules: - Your handicap level will determine the number of racks which you start the race with. E.g. If your handicap is -2 and it's a Race to 5, you have to win 7 racks to win the match. On the other hand, if your handicap is +2, you only need to win 3 racks to win the match. - Handicap levels are posted next to players names. Confirmed Players (Handicaps): 1) Azizan Wazir (0) 2) Chi Kok Pin (0) 3) Clarence Tew (0) 4) Mingyuan Li (+1) 5) Xiaoyu Li (-2) 6) Hengkang Dou (+1) 7) Rui Chen (+1) 8) Kevin Hares (0) 9) Adrian Davito (+1) 10) Martin Li (+1) 11) Diego Cortez Sayas (+1) 12) Wenxuan Ni (+1) 13) Lawrence Crisp (0) 14) Darren Ding (0) 15) Randall Lai (+1) 16) Tessa Ng (+3) |
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