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31 de agosto de 2019

Darren McCarthy - Charity Pool Event - Register

Pool 51

Añadir jugadores

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New players will be added to your members section.

Comienzo 31 ago 2019, 12:00 (Hora local)
Organizador Lewis Digital Media
Contacto Kelley Lewis (kelley@lewisdigital.media)
Formato KO Directo (13 Participantes)
A ganar 1
Hándicap Sin hándicap
Más información
This is a participant list for all players wishing to join the Charity Pool Event Day 31/08/19 - Starting at 12pm Live Streamed..

£10 Gets you the following

Entry to the Blind 3 Man Mini Tournament
Entry to x1 - 8 Player Cash Flyer
1x go at 14-1
1x go at Speed Pool

All money taken will be split 50/50 between prizes and charity!

Thanks for your support


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Todavía no se ha celebrado el sorteo


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