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30 września - 2 października 2024

Cup Series 1 - 2024


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Rozpoczęcie 30 wrz 2024, 17:00 Do 2 paź 2024 (czas lokalny)
Entry open from 2 wrz 2024, 16:00 (czas lokalny)
Zapisy do 26 wrz 2024, 22:00 (czas lokalny)
Organizator Gibraltar 9ball Association
Kontakt Charlie Bear (gib9ball@gibtelecom.net)
Format Double to Single elimination (5 Uczestnicy)
Mecz do 4
Handicap Bez handicapu
Więcej informacji
Event Format

Winner Breaks Format, 3 balls must pass the middle of the table to be considered a legal break.

Seeded players from last year's Cup series will be taken into consideration.


This event is part of 3 event Series.

Each Series and match will be based on points depending on how far you progress, the TOP 8 at the end of the 3 events will go and play on FINALS NIGHT.

Entry fee is £25.00 and there is no prize fund per event as Prize fund will be accumulated on Finals night.

1st - £400
2nd - £200
3rd - £100
4th - £100

Also this is an annual Cup event.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Turniej nie jest jeszcze rozpisany.


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