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30. september - 2. oktober 2024

Cup Series 1 - 2024


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Start 30. sep. 2024 17.00 Indtil 2. okt. 2024 (lokal tid)
Entry open from 2. sep. 2024 16.00 (lokal tid)
Tilmeldingsfrist 26. sep. 2024 22.00 (lokal tid)
Arrangør Gibraltar 9ball Association
Kontakt Charlie Bear (
Format Double to Single elimination (5 Deltagere)
Race to 4
Handicap Ingen handicap
Mere info
Event Format

Winner Breaks Format, 3 balls must pass the middle of the table to be considered a legal break.

Seeded players from last year's Cup series will be taken into consideration.


This event is part of 3 event Series.

Each Series and match will be based on points depending on how far you progress, the TOP 8 at the end of the 3 events will go and play on FINALS NIGHT.

Entry fee is £25.00 and there is no prize fund per event as Prize fund will be accumulated on Finals night.

1st - £400
2nd - £200
3rd - £100
4th - £100

Also this is an annual Cup event.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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