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8. März - 19. Juni 2025

Cuetopia’s In House Darts Cup (Season 1)


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Beginnt 08.03.2025, 08:00 Bis 19.06.2025 (Lokale Zeit)
Veranstalter Cuetopia (Swindon) Ltd
Kontakt Paul Adams (mrpdadams@me.com)
Format Einfach-KO (32 Teilnehmer)
Satz bis 10
Handicap Ohne Handicap
Mehr Informationen
Cuetopia’s In House Darts Cup
32 Players Maximum. All names added to WhatsApp group once payment received.
£20 Entry Fee (£640) - £5 goes towards a singles knockout cup (£160)
All Players in 1 league, and play each other once.
Once league is completed, your position will determine what league you end up in after this one has completed, if you wish to continue next season.
You have 1 week to arrange and play your game, based on Cuescore fixture list, which we manage. You must either post in WhatsApp group or phone club in order to book.
Players profiles will be made up on Cuescore from us if you havnt got one already. You then can view league and fixtures at your leisure.
You will play 10 legs in total, which could up end in a 5-5 draw. 501, straight in, Double out.
Points awarded, 2pts for a win - 1 pt for a draw.
Failure to play your fixture in that allocated week, without a valid reason will cost you to loose the match 10-0. You can play a forward fixture if you know you can make it that particular week.

League Payouts
1st £140 - 2nd £90 - 3rd £70 - 4th £60 - 5th £30 - 6th £30 - 7th £20 - 8th £20 - 9th £10 - 10th £10

Cup Payouts
1st £80 - 2nd £60 - 3rd £20

Cuetopia will add the following additional prize money for,
Most number 180’s £50
Highest Checkout £50
If the above end in draws, then prize funds are split.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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