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21 декември 2019

Christmas Mini Mosconi

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#ИмеМечеви (поб/изг)Игри (поб/изг)Процент на успех
1 Fozzy's Xmas Crackers
1 (1/0) 15 (9/6)
2 Castle's Xmas Turkeys
1 (0/1) 15 (6/9)
Започнува 21.12.2019, во 12:15 (локално време)
Организатор El Thief Tournaments
Контакт Keith Walkerdine
Format Сингл елиминација (2 Учесници)
Игра до 9
Хендикеп Без хендикеп
Повеќе информации
The Christmas mini Mosconi cup will be on Saturday 21st December for league players and locals only, with a 12.15pm start time (doors open 12pm).

It will be a £5 entry on a first paid basis but to be paid in advance no later than Tuesday 17th December.

This is a good chance for a fun comp just before Christmas and a good laugh and the winning team or teams taking the spoils.

Teams will be selected evenly using pots on ability/division level.

If you wish to enter then let me know or if you want any more info.

Entry list is up to the first 10 players (two teams of 4 or 5) and then reserve list until we get to 16, 18 or 20 players maximum (two match's with teams of 4 or 5).

If you wish to enter then please let me know.

The format for the match is as below

Game 1: Team Scotch - Race to 4 - Team
Game 2: Scotch Doubles - Race to 4 -
Game 3: Scotch Doubles - Race to 4 -
Game 4: Scotch Doubles - Race to 4 -
Game 5: Singles - Race to 5 -
Game 6: Singles - Race to 5 -
Game 7: Singles - Race to 5 -
Game 8: Singles - Race to 5 -
Game 9: Singles – Race to 5 -
Game 10: Reverse Scotch Doubles - Race to 4 -
Game 11: Reverse Scotch Doubles - Race to 4 -
Game 12: Singles - Race to 5 -
Game 13: Singles - Race to 5 -
Game 14: Singles - Race to 5 -
Game 15: Singles - Race to 5 -
Game 16: Singles - Race to 5 –
Game 17: Team Game – Race to 4 - Team

Games 2-16 - To be picked by team captain before game 1.
Games 10 & 11 - The teams to be changed from the first doubles (no repeat teams & no player playing more than twice).


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!
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Се игра


Игра до 9
Castle's Xmas Turkeys
Fozzy's Xmas Crackers
саб 12:37 


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