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6 Απριλίου 2025

Bob Taylor Memorial

International Rules

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Έναρξη 6 Απρ 2025, 12:00 μ.μ. (Τοπική ώρα)
Διοργανωτής GIPL
Επικοινωνία Jamie Hughes (Jamiehughes345@gmail.com), John Robinson (john.wrobinson@hotmail.co.uk) και Simon King (sabretooth_13@hotmail.com)
Format Πυραμίδες μονής ήττας (11 συμμετέχοντες)
Απόσταση 5
Χάρισμα Χωρίς χάρισμα
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες
In loving memory of Bob Taylor i would like to invite you to raise money for AML leukaemia by entering an annual pool tournament and honour the memory of such a well liked and well loved amazing gentleman that sadly passed in November 2020.
Format is as follows:

£20 entry , max 32 entrants. £15 to the charity and £5 to the players prize fund.... £110 winner and £50 runner up.
Plate cup £5 entry for 1st and 2nd round lowers.
Free table time.

Winning trophy and annual shield will be presented.
Full payment will secure a place. Either pay over the bar at the Sovereign or see/message for online bank details.

To raise additional funds there will be a raffle, anyone wanting to donate prizes for the raffle would be greatly received.

Hope to see you all on the day and hope we can raise plenty of money in memory of such a great man.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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