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3 dhjetor - 11 janar 2025

ADPL Pairs 24-25

Shtoni skuadra
Fillon 3 dhj 2024, 6:00 e pasdites Derisa 11 jan 2025 (Koha lokale)
Organizatori Aberdeen District Pool League
Kontakti John Hay (johnhay147@btinternet.com, +447952922253)
Format Eleminimi i vetëm (9 Pjesmarresit)
Gara deri ne : 4
Hendikep Pa hendikep
Me shum informata
To setup matches. Select SEQUENCE A/B and select the names by dropdown.
Due to Cuescore flaw you will need to enter your names twice for example:-
Andrew Haines
Joe Bloggs
Andrew Haines
Joe Bloggs
The opposition then do the same and the matches will be setup.
For the doubles just select from the players drop down.


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

Shorti nuk eshte bere ende.


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