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19. juli - 21. juli 2019

6 Red Event

Snooker 6-reds

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Start 19. jul. 2019 11.00 Indtil 21. jul. 2019 (lokal tid)
Kontakt Urban Cue Myanmar (
Format Ligaer (86 Deltagere)
Race to 1
Handicap Ingen handicap
Dresscode Strictly No shorts and No sleeveless allowed. Players must be on time and properly dressed.
Mere info
ေဘာ္ဒါေတြအတြက္ 6 Red Snooker ၿပိဳင္ပြဲ ထပ္လာၿပီးေနာ္။🤩
ဆုေတြကလည္း အမိုက္စားေတြဗ်။
ၿပိဳင္ပြဲက်င္ပမည့္ေန႔ - 19 July မွ 21 July အထိ (၃ ရက္)
အခ်ိန္ - မနက္ ၁၁ နာရီမွ ညေန ၅ နာရီအထိ
ေနရာ - ၄၈ လမ္း၊ Urban Cue
ပထမဆုအတြက္ ေငြက်ပ္ (၅) သိန္း
ဒုတိယဆုအတြက္ ေငြက်ပ္ (၃) သိန္း
တတိယဆုအတြက္ ေငြက်ပ္ (၂) သိန္း
ၿပိဳင္ပြဲမွာပါဝင္မယ့္ေဘာ္ဒါေတြအားလံုး တစ္ဦးလွ်င္ (၅) ေထာင္က်ပ္နဲ႔ စာရင္းသြင္းႏိုင္ၿပီး ကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ Urban Cue ကေန T-shirt တစ္ထည္စီ လက္ေဆာင္ျပန္ေပးသြားမွာပါ။ ✅✅
ေနာက္ဆံုးစာရင္းေပးသြင္းရမယ့္ ေန႔ကေတာ့ - 18 July 2019 ပါဗ်။👈
“ၿပိဳင္ပြဲမွာဝင္လက္စြမ္းျပၿပီး အမိုက္စားဆုေတြရယူလိုက္ၾကစုိ႔”
***ၿပိဳင္ပြဲမွာ Sponsor ေပးခ်င္တဲ့ Company ေတြအေနျဖင့္ ဖုန္းနံပါတ္ - 09768663160 ကိုဆက္သြယ္စံုစမ္းႏိုင္ပါတယ္။***
6 Red Snooker event is here again!
Come join our exciting tournament!
Date: 19 July - 21 July
Fee: 5,000ks
Prize: Listed as follow
500,000 ks (1st prize)
300,000 ks (2nd prize)
200,000 ks (3rd prize)
Everyone is a winner! Free event t-shirt when participating in this event! (value 10,000ks)
Deadline: 18th July 2019
Event is also open to any interested company for event sponsorship (great time to engage with specific target market)


BETA Try the new playing schedule (beta). Try now!

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