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12 сентября 2021 г.

2021 Auckland Regional 8 Ball Women's Championship


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New players will be added to your members section.

Начало 12 сент. 2021 г., 10:00 До 12 сент. 2021 г. (Местное время)
Окончание регистрации 10 сент. 2021 г., 21:00 (Местное время)
Организатор New Zealand Pool Association
Контакты John MacMillan (john.macmillan@nzpa.org)
Формат Группы (0 Участники)
Фора Без форы
Больше информации
WPA 8-Ball Rules
Hosted by the API
Playing on 9ft International Pool Table
Entry Fee: $45 Adult, $25 Junior.
You can enter/pay on Cuescore or by contacting the organizers and bringing cash on the day.
Section play to qualify for single life elimination Sunday.
All players need to be current member of the API to play this event. You can join on the day, $30.00 for the remainder of the year.
Please make sure you arrive before the match - for registration!
Bar will open from 9:30am on Saturday.
For Sunday please check the draw after section play is completed.


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