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18. siječnja. - 19. siječnja 2025.

1. Biljardären 10 Ball Masters - WAITINGLIST


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Počinje 18. sij 2025. 10:00 Do 19. sij 2025. (Lokalno vrijeme)
Rok za prijavu 17. sij 2025. 20:00 (Lokalno vrijeme)
Organizator Biljardären Biljardklubb
Kontakt Guido Thyssen (guido.thyssen@gmail.com, 0761722310)
Format Double to Single elimination (2 Natjectelji)
Do 3
Hendikep Bez hendikepa
Više informacija
This is the waiting list for the second event in the Biljardären 10 Ball Masters series. In case a player resigns from the main event, the next players in line from this waiting list will enter the event. The date and time of registration to this waiting list decides the order,

Detta är en reservlista till Biljardärens 10 Ball Masters. I fall att en deltagare avregistrera sig, kommer vi plocka in en spelare från denna lista enligt turordning för anmälan.

The order can be seen due this overview:
Aktuell turordning kan ni ser i denna excel fil:



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