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CAG Premiums

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E merkure 20:00

Ndeshja tjeter

 19 mar 2025, 8:00 e pasdites




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Pool Groningen/Drenthe Tweede Klasse 2024/2025

  23 shtator - 27 maj 2025
Pozicioni Emri Luan Fiton Barazon Humbet ws ls sd RO lags Bonus avg Pts
1 CAG Premiums 19 12 4 3 76 38 38 0 0 12 0.667 88
2 SLG Shooters! 20 11 5 4 75 45 30 0 0 11 0.625 86
3 Patty’s 1 19 12 4 3 71 43 28 0 0 12 0.623 83
3 Cuerious Minds 19 12 3 4 71 43 28 0 0 12 0.623 83
5 Amigos050 19 10 3 6 69 45 24 0 0 10 0.605 79
6 Therapy? 19 8 7 4 65 49 16 0 0 8 0.57 73
7 CAG Shafts and Butts 20 6 5 9 52 68 -16 0 0 6 0.433 58
8 The SnapQueens 19 3 3 13 38 76 -38 0 0 3 0.333 41
9 Pool Fools 18 1 3 14 30 78 -48 0 0 1 0.278 31
10 PZN 20 1 3 16 29 91 -62 0 0 1 0.242 30

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